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Volume 18 Issue 2
July/August 2012

The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions

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The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions
Excerpted from Get What You Want © 2012 by Tony Burroughs
Tony Burroughs

Your Power
What you are looking for is what you are looking with.

Get What You Want was created to act as a way for you to move, as easily and effortlessly as possible, from the mainstream to the magical. It will bring your level of personal empowerment up to speed so that you can have a positive effect upon your world. It is also designed to help you gain a degree of proficiency in using the Laws of Manifestation or the Intention Process (as we call it), so you will no longer remain as easily controlled by others—others who may or may not have your highest and best interests at heart.

Get What You Want has been purposely set up to do three things at the same time: first, to empower you to reach your highest potential; second, to demonstrate the great benefits in coming together in community; and third, to act as a guide for The Code so that you reawaken your conscience and begin to love, honor, respect, and care for your fellow travelers once again.

And that is our intention for you—for you to take these tools and do what you came to this beautiful, abundant Earth to do. We congratulate you for having the courage to take these steps into your own power. Now, as we prepare to offer you Get What You Want, we leave you with these few words of encouragement…

“Your joy walks with you every step of the way. You need look no further than that which is your own Being. The world would have you think otherwise, and yet, what you do, how you think, and what you feel is entirely up to you. You are truly a magnificent entity with powers lying dormant and feelings, so sublime, ready to burst forth like a young flower, which spreads its petals for the first time to greet the morning summer sun.

How long will you wait before you see yourself in your highest light and do what makes you truly happy? What will it take for you to open your heart and radiate outward the ocean of love that lives within you? You have been bound up too long, shackled to your fear, imprisoned by ghosts who are not real unless you make them so. The world needs you to be happy, to shine your light on all that you see, to laugh without limit, to touch the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child who come your way.

Take a chance now and live life like you’ve always wanted. Envision yourself throwing off the fetters of fear, and calling unto you the glory that is yours by right of birth. Let your joy blaze like a fire in the night. That’s what the world needs from you. And, more than that, that’s what you need from you.”

My Intention for today is:
I Intend that, from this moment forward, you and I and all of the people we come in contact with, and all of the people they come in contact with, and all of the people they contact—until it fills the entire Earth—live in utter joy and peace.

Everything we put our attention on becomes more, bigger, and brighter.

Inertia is the force that keeps something or someone who is moving in motion, and it keeps something or someone who is resting at rest. In order to overcome it and have something new happen, a special kind of influence or energy is necessary.

In terms of the quality of our lives, we’d have to care a lot more about our world than we’ve cared in the past. We’d need to start moving in a different direction. This is what The Code does, for embedded within its lines is the promise of a better life for all who are willing to think something new.

If you sit in on the average casual conversation today, much of the talk would likely center around the national picture, what the politicians are doing, and where “we” are headed. You and your friends would probably agree that the national situation isn’t giving you what you really want; that you seem to have lost your freedom, your peace, your own power to do with as you please; that our war-like tendencies simply aren’t serving us anymore; that our distribution of goods and natural resources favor the “haves” and penalize the bulk of the world’s people; that you live in fear; and so forth. You could go on and on listing the flaws in the current system, and almost everyone would have an opinion that would ostensibly help to make things better from within the framework of the current system. The current system, however, is first and foremost an illusion that we choose to keep our attention on. We could just as easily talk about something else, if it weren’t for the power of the inertia we keep bumping into. Just try to get your friends to set the topic of politics aside for a while, and see what happens. In most instances, it would be as if no one heard you. They’d keep on talking, lost in the inertia of the national collective mind.

There are those who would say that we’re powerless to make changes in the face of collective inertia, but this simply isn’t true. As we said earlier, changes occur when a new influence or energy is introduced into the picture. So, let’s shift the inertia by introducing The Code into our hypothetical scenario. We’ll apply the Ninth Intent and make an intention around it by saying, “I Intend that I am creating my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. I share my vision.” When we do this, our imagination is unleashed. We have a new direction, one that gives us the autonomy to create our own vision, and the knowing that, in the envisioning, we are actively and consciously creating something better for ourselves. Our power instantly returns to us, and, from this point on, we’re back on track, doing what we came here to do.

My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I always have enough to spare and enough to share.

Excerpted from Get What You Want © 2012 by Tony Burroughs. Printed with permission of Viva Editions, Berkeley, California, 1-800-780-2279, www.vivaeditions.com. This book will be released November 12, 2012.

Tony Burroughs is an author, storyteller, and a cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest Good, a grassroots community movement with Intenders Circles in countries all over the world. Also the author of the popular daily email message called The Intenders Bridge at intenders.org, Burroughs lives in Mount Shasta, California.


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