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Volume 18 Issue 2
July/August 2012

The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health

Yogurt and Kefir: Ancient Cultured Products

Access Consciousness™: Empowering people to know that they know

A Smile From the Heart

Scientists of all disciplines not valued and viewed as obstructionists

Earthing: Nature’s Anti-inflammatory

Eat Raw, Eat Well: 400 Raw, Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 18 Issue 2 — July/August 2012
by Melva Armstrong

After the long months of my first acreage winter, I finally have had time to experience my surroundings with warmth. I am loving the lush greenery and the birds singing morning, afternoon, and evening. I especially enjoy the lilting song of the white-throated sparrow, who seems to be singing just for me right outside my office window. I enjoyed watching the trees come to life as they filled out their leaves and grew new branches. The acreage is upon a hill where I can see for miles over the Assiniboine Valley, with its rolling terrain and plentiful trees, and fields becoming green as their newly planted seeds push through the earth.

I have been getting to know the horses and learning lots about them, as well as more about dogs and cats. It is as though I have moved into a fairy-land, where there are all these lovely new creatures to get to know and with which to play and have fun, including the invisible as well as the visible. I am finding this new life to be a very joyful and delightful experience. I am truly grateful for all the blessings in my life.

One of the gifts of doing this work is that publishing companies send me books they are promoting, so I get to read some of the latest offerings from all kinds of different experts in their fields, whose work is genuinely being produced to help make our world a better place for all its inhabitants. In this issue, we are featuring one such author, Tony Burroughs, whose book, Get What Your Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions, will be released in November. You are getting a head start on learning about this amazing man and the good work he has been doing on our planet for many years. At the core of his teachings is conscious manifesting—collecting your desires in a context for “the greater good” and stating them aloud to a consistent and supportive circle of fellow intenders. Started in the 1990s, there are now more than a million people all over the world who meet regularly in Intenders Circles and manifest all they can imagine. The network is knit together in a grassroots association called The Intenders of the Highest Good. Burrough’s says his book, “…has been purposely set up to do three things at the same time: first, to empower you to reach your highest potential; second, to demonstrate the great benefits in coming together in community; and third, to act as a guide for The Code so that you reawaken your conscience and begin to love, honour, respect, and care for your fellow travellers once again.” I trust you will be inspired by the excerpt we have included on pages 24–25.

Something I have been doing for quite some time is eliminating wheat from my diet because, by so doing, my body feels a lot better. I am always finding ways to understand what foods work best for me, so when I discovered Dr. William Davis’s book called Wheat Belly (p. 14), I was very impressed and excited at what I learned. “In Wheat Belly, Dr. Davis exposes the truth about modern-day wheat, deconstructing its historical role in the human diet,” says the publisher. “Informed by decades of clinical research and backed by case studies of men and women who truly transformed their lives after waving goodbye to wheat, Wheat Belly is an illuminating look at a familiar food and a positive course of action to regain health and lose unwanted pounds for good.” We have included an excerpt to help you learn more about one of the most critical health concerns of our time.

Also in this issue, you can learn about The Art of Recycling (p. 20) in which author Cliff Shockey hopes to stimulate your creativity, so you can find exciting ways to recycle and help keep our planet healthy, while regular contributor Sandra Brandt provides a wealth of valuable knowledge in her article called Yogurt and Kefir: Ancient Cultured Products (p. 12). These two foods supply highly beneficial probiotics and more for the body. A must read!

In these pages, you will discover a lot more good news that will stimulate your senses and illuminate your mind, and provide healthy and uplifting ideas for your continued happiness, health, and prosperity.

May the heat of the sun gently warm your skin, may the rich colours of nature warm your heart, and may your summer days find you well and happy. Shining light and sending love.

(The Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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