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Volume 9 Issue 3
Sept/Oct 2003

Dance With Horses and Feel Good!

Nutty About Nuts!

Feeling Good in One Space & Unsettled in Another?
Check the Energy Flow With Feng Shui

Answering the Cosmic "CALL" Takes a Leap of Faith

Natural Reflections:
True Success Nurtures Our Soul, Our Culture, and Our Evolution


Answering the Cosmic "CALL" Takes a Leap of Faith
by Jan Henrikson

I’ve always been curious about “THE CALL” that others have experienced in their lives – the one that seems to disclose complete directions as to where the recipient needs to go in life and exactly what they need to do to get there. What was it like? When did it come? How did they know it was THE call? Would it ever happen to me? Oh, the patience I’ve practiced, and the trust I’ve cultivated, surrendering to the life I do have and trusting that everything is in divine order JUST AS IT IS, even without having received “THE CALL” myself.

My Mom used to tease me as I sat watching out the window for my boyfriend to pick me up – sometimes for 45 minutes fully dressed in all my winter gear! “A watched kettle never boils!” she used to gently say. And I’d give her one of my teenage, “What the heck does that mean?” looks, impatient and frustrated and finding no comfort in her words. I understand now, of course, and try not to watch and wonder, but it gets especially challenging when others around you get their call, when their kettle boils.

Have you experienced “The Call”? The one that seems to ignite the spark of action that catapults you beyond your categorical, logical mind into taking actions that move you beyond your comfort zone and facilitate growth and expansion and a total release of previously held limitations. The call that seems to awaken an inner being that hasn’t bought into doubt and fear, and hasn’t absorbed the negative influences of our society. The one that awakens the self that doesn’t operate from a practical, logical place based on previous experience but resides so deep within you that you cannot deny its gentle, loving presence and clear voice.

You never know when it will happen, until it does. And then you know – in every cell of your being … at every level of consciousness – that a piece of your life’s puzzle has just slipped neatly into place. And effortlessly – at least at the beginning – you fall into step in the great cosmic dance of your life, divinely choreographed by the great unseen force in our lives that we long to surrender to, have faith in, and trust. These expanded moments that we experience on our path contain the magic that “cleans the mirror of the heart so it can clearly reflect what is already within us.” We then get a glimplse of the truth of who we are, the potential we carry and a vision of what our purpose is.

That is what happened to me when I visited the Jivamukti Yoga website for the first time. I never could have planned to have an illuminated, ecstatic moment while sitting at a computer, that’s for sure! In fact, most of my rational mind is still trying to convince me that I didn’t have it, ‘cause, after all, I wasn’t meditating or at one with nature or standing on my head or hiking the Himalayas or chanting in a temple in India or doing something appropriate to warrant receipt of such a call! But it was coming through and I was picking it up! And no amount of interference from my patterned way of thinking had a hope of disconnecting the line I had magically hooked up to. That night, everything unfolded just for me - the colours, the lotus flowers, the teacher training pop-up, Martin Luther King Jr.’s face and voice popping into my consciousness - “The time is now!” Time was suspended and it was just me and the screen and, the “Knowing.”

Complete absence of doubt - that’s definitely one of the characteristics of the call I got that night. I didn’t audibly “hear” a voice but on every level of my being I experienced the inner guidance that lovingly, clearly, and confidently directed the next step in the dance of my life, which is to attend the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Intensive in Austria this September.

Another characteristic is that this step is not something I’d typically do [“You want me to do WHAT?”], nor does it make rational sense in many ways. So far there’s been at least a vein of rationality to the direction – enough for my rational mind to at least consider the possibility, but there are more strikes “against” the action than “for,” such as, “Why would you go half way round the world and spend US$6,000 for a month of training? Surely you could find something closer, cheaper, less intense, more gradual, easier, more normal, different, and better!”

It is definitely a choice we make as to which “voice” we listen to. If we take the time in our lives to listen regularly we gain insight and clarity as to which voices are in the game, and we develop discernment as to which ones are on our cheerleading squad and which ones are actually the opposition!

Part of my process prior to picking up that cosmic call was a realization that occurred last winter while taking the course, “Walking in This World” by Julia Cameron (author of The Artist’s Way), taught by Jacqueline Gautier. I discovered that what I refer to as my “self-sabotage voice” actually had very practical and rational tones to it! I had expected it to sound mean and negative. How often have I listened to that practical voice? Yikes! Lots! And I don’t know how many times I must have disconnected the “kind and friendly” – though not logical – voice that lovingly directs my true path (I’m sure there have been many). What I do know is that this time I stayed on the line and listened. I’m following the path of my heart, taking a big leap of faith, and flying across the chasm [in this case, the ocean!] of doubt, fear, and uncertainty, and following the lead of my divine dance partner and choreographer.

I don’t know what the next step will be nor am I trying to figure that out [thank goodness!]. Again, what I do know is that anything is possible, anything is probable, that dreams do come true, and that I can fly! And so can you! So, take the leap, the net will appear!

I am deeply grateful for all the loving guidance and support that I have received throughout this process – the communities of human angels who have danced with me every step of the way, and the unseen ones who hold my hand during those dark plunges into the pools of fear and doubt that lie in the shadowlands of my subconscious, waiting for moments just like these to surface and be healed, and set my true self free! Namaste.

Jan Henrikson, upon her return from Austria, will be teaching yoga at The Refinery in Saskatoon starting at the beginning of October 2003. For further information please contact Cynthia at The Refinery (306) 653-3549 or Jan at (306) 244-4776.

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