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Volume 21 Issue 2
July/August 2015

The Stars of Summer are Salads

Don’t Let Anybody Dim Your Light!

Transformative Hoop Play

The Rise and Fall of Prairie Grain Farmer Powe

The Water Genie
Remove Your Obstacles Through the Consciousness of Water

The Future of the Farm
Etomami Ecofarm and Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) Program

Conflict vs Co-creation


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 21 Issue 2 — July/August 2015
by Melva Armstrong

Gazing around the farm, I feel like I am living inside a beautiful park. I often pinch myself so I know what I’m seeing and feeling is real. It’s absolutely gorgeous and peaceful here.

I enjoyed saying good-bye to winter and welcomed spring. I love seeing nature’s brilliant variations of green, arriving one after the other, and to feel the warm breezes gently caressing my cheeks. Also, I’m glad to put away the boots and gloves. Sadly, this year we had an invasion, in the entire area, of tent caterpillars. Within a few days they had eaten the green leaves off all the trees for as far as I could see. As I walked down the road, there were thousands of those crawlers in front of me, with some hanging down from webs. They’ve all disappeared and the tree leaves are coming back. As I passed by each row of tall white poplars yesterday, I wondered if this loss was a shock to their systems. I could only imagine that it must have been. Yet, they are so resilient and able to bounce back. Mother nature is truly amazing. I love being out in her splendour, beauty, and powerful healing energy!

The winter was a time of relaxation and reflection, while the spring began the renewal and reawakening process. Now, summer is upon us, and it is time to become fully alive and to move full steam ahead with all those tasks and adventures for which we’ve been planning. Summer on the prairies is especially a time to connect with the outdoors, where many of you will be going on holidays, having picnics, walking, hiking, cycling, and working in your gardens. It is such a delicious time of year. May you all enjoy it to the fullest.

I trust you’ll be taking along this latest copy of WHOLifE to enjoy reading. Stacey Tress wants you to know that for her, The Stars of Summer are Salads (p. 8). She says she loves cooking, but she enjoys putting the crock pot away and looking to the garden for inspiration. So true! I love my own fresh produce, as well as what is available at farmers’ markets and through family and friends. Until our gardens start producing, we rely on those in our communities who have greenhouses and who have planted early. Thanks to all those folks who put so much time, love, and energy into growing the food and sharing it with so many others, so we can all keep healthy and happy.

What I’ve been thinking very seriously about these days is how to help the planet become more peaceful and loving. To me, it is obvious that we have to change the ways of doing things. All the wars, fighting, and fear-mongering that are going on and have been for eons, are not right! No one in their right mind wants these horrific human rights violations and environmental degradation. I keep asking, “How can we all be more connected, so we want to help each other rather than destroy each other and the environment?” I keep getting a sense from my research and my still small voice that the answer lies in forming small groups in our local communities, where we can share ideas and respectfully listen to others speak on issues of common concern. It’s imperative that we get to know our neighbours and to find ways for us to become united for the common good of all. I know there is already a groundswell of these groups happening locally, nationally, and internationally, so I’m encouraging everyone to get on board in your communities, because when we join together, we are a powerful force and remember, we outnumber those few whose sole desire is to keep the chaos going. So, everyone, let’s do it! Keep in touch and let me know what you are doing so we can form an information network that inspires and encourages us to keep going and creating that peaceful and loving world we all want and deserve. I can keep information flowing through the journal, which is one of my contributions. I know many others have super creative ideas, so let’s share them and make this world a place where every living thing is safe, fed, cared for, loved, and nurtured.

I can see 2015 is shaping up to be an amazing year of great change. I can feel the genuine connections and awakenings happening and the excitement for positive, healthy growth developing with each new day. Looking forward to sharing it with you!

From my heart to yours!

(The spirit in me honours the spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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