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Volume 19 Issue 2
July/August 2013

The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone
A four-legged approach to enlightenment

Ice Cream!

Raw and Vegan Retreat in the Yucatán

How the ZenWand™ Came Into Being

Yantha: Angelic Healing Energy

Entrepreneurs as Builders of Community and People

The Heart and Science of Mindfulness


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 19 Issue 2 — July/August 2013
by Melva Armstrong

It has been a delightful two months since the last issue. The snow has gone and warmer temperatures prevail, so I have been enjoying the outdoors. After the long winter, cooped up inside, it feels freeing to spread my wings and relish the breezes that gently caress my cheeks, as I occasionally lay back in a chair, soaking up the sunshine. There is always lots to do in the yard, which is yet another form of outdoor enjoyment. I love standing quietly and listening to the magical blending of the various bird songs, the chirping squirrels, and the thumping sound of the ruffed grouse’s mating ritual.

This year, I decided to attend the Second Annual Full Moon Festival in Swift Current, May 24 to 26, by having a WHOLifE display table. I had never been to this city before, so I was excited to finally have the experience. I was very impressed with the warmth and friendliness of the people that I met both at the event and wherever else I ventured. I would like to congratulate the coordinators, Kamara Adams and Christine Ciona, for the excellent quality and organization of this unique and fun-filled festival. I enjoyed meeting the many like-minded people who attended and shared their time and conversation with me. I have included a small write-up on page 47 in which I share more details. May Kamara and Christine continue to provide this fabulous venue to help educate people in their area about natural health and wellness. I encourage folks to attend this event next year and into the future. These wellness events are starting to happen all over Saskatchewan, so keep an eye out in your community as there may be something like this close to where you live. Perhaps you would like to start up such an event yourself. I certainly encourage that. I am sure Kamara and Christine would be happy to share their knowledge with anyone who is interested. I have included some contact information for them on page 47. I thank you, wise women, for this fabulous experience!

I have spent the month of June preparing this issue. Another kind and generous group of writers have come forth and submitted their articles, which we have gladly included. I was especially thrilled when I read about Michael J. Chase’s new book called The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone: A four-legged approach to enlightenment, so I decided it was important to include an excerpt from it—Wag More, Bark Less: Lessons from a four-legged guru (p. 18). For the first time in my life, I have been experiencing the unconditional love of dogs, and that’s why I truly understand the meaning behind Chase’s title. Dogs really do show us how they love everyone, which provides all of us with a most important lesson in life. Hay House Publishers describe the book as, “Written with heart and sidesplitting humour, this one-of-a-kind true story of friendship and a divine albeit outrageous dog delivers on its promise to reveal a pathway toward enlightenment, and bring each of us one step closer to loving everyone.” How cool is that! I love it!

And there are many more lessons and delightful ideas in these pages for you to savour and enjoy. With the heat of summer upon us, you’ll be pleased to learn how to make your own healthy and delicious cooling treats in Sandra Brandt’s article, Ice Cream! (p. 12). Yum! Yum! And for those of you who would like to take a trip to Mexico to see the scenery, as well as experience some intriguing new food sensations, then be sure to read Beate Epp’s Raw and Vegan Retreat in the Yucatán article (p. 24). Beate and her husband Paul recently moved from the Saskatoon area to begin this new adventure and just looking at the images on their website is a delight for the eyes.

Our regular contributor Donald Sutherland has ways of discovering all kinds of interesting people about whom to write. This time, his article Entrepreneurs as Builders of Community and People (p. 46), recounts the story of a woman who has owned a coffee and tea shop for eighteen years, and one of her new young employees and how an experienced entrepreneur can help young people learn new skills and ideas that they can then take with them for the rest of their lives.

Until the next issue, may your summer be filled with sunshine and bright flowers and may you keep well and happy and live each day to the fullest! Thank you, one and all, for
your support!

(The spirit in me honours the spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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