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Volume 13 Issue 3
September/Oct 2007

Balancing the Whole You

Tomatoes: Nature's Bounty!

Lebed and Lymphedema: A Recovery Program Focusing on Healing Through Gentle Movement

Low Intensity Laser Therapy: From Science Fiction to Reality

ThetaHealing™—A Way to Help Improve Your Well-Being

We Create Our Own Health

Bees are Vanishing: Is This Another Wake Up Call?


Barbara StahuraBalancing the Whole You
by Barbara Stahura

Since we typically experience the world only through our physical bodies, we know we are solid creatures, separate from each other and the ants on the patio and faraway galaxies scattered in space. Furthermore, we believe our bodies, emotions, minds, and spirits to be more like stacked alphabet blocks than a seamless whole. And because we believe in separateness, we also know that healing comes from outside ourselves, from a pill or a doctor. Right?

Consider this: Objects appear solid and separate only because our senses are so limited. We can see the maple leaf but not the infinitesimal particles of light and vast empty space that are its elemental components, just as they are for humans, ants, and galaxies. Modern science and ancient spiritual traditions alike tell us that everything is part of an eternal, invisible, omnipresent matrix—an “unbroken wholeness,” said David Bohm, a visionary physicist deeply influenced by Indian mysticism. Science calls this energy “superstrings,” and spirituality calls it God, but it is all the same energy, and it is all there is. Everything that appears solid is simply slowed-down energy shaped by consciousness into material form.

We can be forgiven for believing that invading germs or renegade cells make us sick and that an outside force acting upon our material form—say, an acupuncturist—is the only way to heal. That is how our senses perceive it. In truth, though, illness or poor well being originate at the spiritual-energetic level and can be healed only by the individual, only at that same level.

Many tools for self-healing exist. One of the most comprehensive—The AIM (All-Inclusive Method) Program of Energetic Balancing—combines spiritual principles with subtle-energy physics and delivers energy via a sophisticated computer system to assist participants in healing themselves. To date, over 40,000 people have participated, including several hundred with Autism or Down Syndrome on a scholarship program facilitated several years ago by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Energetic Healing is Spiritual

The trio of healing, spirituality, and consciousness cannot be separated, says Stephen Lewis, creator of the AIM Program. As a student of diverse healing and spiritual traditions and subtle-energy physics, he realized that keeping one’s energetic field in harmony is key to both physical health and overall well being. What we call illness does not begin in the physical body, he explains. Instead, it is a disturbance in an individual’s energetic frequencies, or the vibrations in consciousness on the spiritual plane, which can emerge in the physical body. However, if one’s Life Force (also called chi or prana) is strong enough, balance is quickly restored.

Unlike a medical practitioner treating you with hope of curing—doing something to you, in other words—healing is an inside job conducted in the spiritual realm, resulting from a shift in consciousness that heals the spiritual level and manifests on the physical. Lewis discovered how to deliver healing frequencies using the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing, a “spiritual technology,” as he describes it. Along with Roberta Hladek and Evan Slawson, he co-founded the Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC, or EMC2. Slawson and Lewis wrote about the evolution of the AIM program in Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness.

Lewis emphasizes that the AIM Program does not diagnose, treat, or cure illness, and the practices of the ministry of EMC2 are not healthcare or medicine. Furthermore, says the website (energeticmatrix.com), the concepts EMC2 espouses are “a matter of faith… not acknowledged by any organized health care provider or medical regulatory body, and are not recognized by those authorities as being relevant to health care.”

Therefore, Lewis explains, anyone who wants a diagnosis or medical treatment should see a doctor. As well, those who want to use additional healing methods, such as chiropractic, homeopathy, or Western medicine, should do so.

Self-responsibility is Key

As energetic beings, we literally create our lives, including energetic imbalances, which gain a foothold whenever we suppress emotions, usually unconsciously. The AIM Program delivers balancing energies to help participants face everything that has caused pain and fear, “forcing them to focus on healing (themselves),” says Lewis, and allowing them to release imbalances on all levels. Self-healing demands only one thing from participants—accepting responsibility for whatever caused the need for healing.

As Lewis wrote in Sanctuary, “What responsibility means is being your own guru. We can only help you find the way. Any healing, any progress, any hope, and any despair is going to come from you. It is your energy that matters.”

Much like alcoholics cannot quit drinking until they admit their problem, we cannot resolve any negative circumstance until we take responsibility for our role in its creation, he explains. And—here is the good news—accepting this responsibility lets us empower ourselves and elevate our consciousness. When we no longer blame outside forces for negativity in our lives, we can take control. We can change the situation by literally altering our material world, beginning on the energetic level.

Some energetic imbalances are hereditary, passed along unconsciously. For instance, Lewis found the energetic imbalance for some frequencies associated with cancer comes from unresolved, unconscious bitterness “handed down” from earlier generations. Imbalances can also be acquired from natural or man-made sources, such as viruses or pollutants. We are constantly exposed to thousands of these energetic frequencies, he says, but not everyone manifests the imbalance. For example, if someone is exposed to the frequency imbalance associated with HIV but has enough Life Force to ward it off, it does not manifest.
Lewis cites Louis Pasteur, the father of germ theory, who said at the end of his life, “It’s not the seed, it’s the soil.” Even Pasteur understood that the most powerful germs have no power against a system healthy enough to withstand the onslaught. So, he says, AIM has only one goal: to help participants be more aware as they create their reality and take a more active part in consciously determining their experiences—in other words, strengthening their energetic “soil” so that only the most positive, beautiful “seeds” can grow there.

Barbara Stahura is a freelance writer in Tucson, Arizona. Her website is www.clariticom.com. For more information on Stephen Lewis and the AIM Program see the colour display ad on page 21 of the 13.3 September/October issue of the WHOLifE Journal.


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