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Volume 12 Issue 1
May/June 2006

How a Doula Supports the Transformational Experience of Childbirth

Fibre and Transit Time !

Focus on the Basics Brings Success to Good Spirit Farm

Seeing is Knowing

What's Happening to Our Boreal Forest and Its Birds?


Seeing is Knowing
Developing Inner Vision

by Rosa Droescher
Martin Krátky

Intuition, inner vision, Third Eye knowingness: what really are they? What happens if you cultivate these?

At my first Clairvision School training in 1992 I was no stranger to meditation and silent retreats, coming from a Quaker upbringing and nine years of Tibetan Buddhist practise. But over the years, and following longer periods of meditation, I was increasingly burdened by pains and health problems which no amount of exploratory surgery could identify. The meditation practice I had done was trying to flush out "things" of all kinds but I had no way of figuring these out or when they would be finally shed. As well I was having huge emotional swings for which I had received plenty of spiritual teachings and advice from various masters, but whose source I could not really see for myself.

The various Third Eye and inner space interactive sourcing (ISIS) exercises I came across in my first weeks of the Clairvision School training were mind blowing. Clairvision techniques plunged me into the marvellous fluid world beyond ordinary mental consciousness, from which I could tangibly perceive all manner of phenomena inside and beyond my body. I was now learning a method to step into this larger universe and self-knowledge, at will.

Because of the interactive nature of Clairvision practices, I could talk about and explore what I experienced with my facilitator. I now could work through each pain, blockage, image, silent sound, vibration, symbol, numinous experience, or sense of presence that appeared on my inner vision screen. I was learning to recognise different parts of myself and the vital links between the physical and other subtle layers of the body, which all have to come into alignment for health and wholeness.

Over the first months of Clairvision work I stopped relying on therapists, healers, and health practitioners to tell me what they saw and I came to see that one of my main health problems was due to a cluster of non-physical energetic parasites caught in my body of energy. These were eventually cleared by a Clairvision practitioner and further exploratory surgery was suspended forever.

Clairvision training emphasizes direct, personal experience of non-physical layers and worlds. Using Third Eye vision encompasses a range of experiences and clues which are not necessarily visual, or visual at the outset. At first the inchoate world of feeling, knowingness, vibration, silent sound, colours, darkness, etc., that make up inner vision, can seem meaningless and inconclusive—like a kaleidoscope used as a rattle by a puzzled monkey.

However, through practice I came to learn that the different phenomena that come to us form part of an extraordinary navigation system that, when systematically pursued, enables us to understand and know how precise and reliable our inner knowing is and how far it reaches into the physical and non-physical universe.

I was greatly encouraged one day to realize that inner vision was not a special gift or heritage of a few, but rather a simple matter of training and perseverance.

So why develop inner vision? It took me two or three years to get entirely beyond the notion that one sees in order to act on that which is seen. Of course this instrumentality of seeing is not absent in the purification, or de-construction aspect of Clairvision work. Inner vision allows mapping to take place and enables discernment between different energetic blockages and obstructions, which in turn require different approaches such as clearing, or de-charging, or infusing, or recovering.

But inner vision has a deeper meaning which is best understood in relation to the construction, or subtle-body building and transformation aspect of Clairvision work. Here, "seeing" itself becomes none other than subtle body building and energy re-ordering, a process that can be observed from day one of an introductory Awakening the Third Eye (ATE) course. It is through this building of subtle bodies that we gain access to spiritual worlds and Beings, which in turn are the driving force of transformation out of our small self, or little ego.

Yet Third Eye seeing, as a state of being or consciousness, is not to be understood as an abstract spiritual quest. An experienced London-based British acupuncturist who has done several months of Clairvision work with me, recently commented that our work led her to engage with new levels of energy and enabled her to work with her patients at a much deeper level, with new tools to help patients be conscious of what was happening to them in the treatment room.

Ultimately what I have found so astonishing about awakening inner vision was the window it opened onto a multi-faceted world I did not realize is my real dwelling-place. Once opened, this window brought to me images and sounds of places in different parts of the world which were particularly endowed with spiritual connection and healing qualities.

It was my task then to trust and navigate with my inner vision and knowingness to find the sacred places I was being shown—to locate the actual physical place of these angelic land spots. One of the clearest and most recurring appearances of these joyful places came to me while I was practicing in Australia—it turned out to be the banks of the South Saskatchewan River outside Saskatoon. Step by step through meditation and an exercise called "vision space" I found my way to the sacred spots of this river.

I continue to bathe in the frequencies of the Saskatchewan places I have found and in which I have walked. I now work to awaken the inner vision of others through the Third Eye techniques of the Clairvision School and immersion in the qualities of the sacred places of Saskatchewan.

Rosa Droescher teaches ATE and ISIS courses in Canada, Mexico, and Spain. Clairvision School founder Samuel Sagan has recently opened a North American centre near New York City (www.Clairvision.org). Sherrill Miller and Courtney Milne have studied with the Clairvision school for five years and sponsor the local workshops. The ATE is Sept. 2­3 followed by the ISIS intensive Sept. 4­10. Contact Sherrill (306) 668-1399, info@CourtneyMilne.com, and see their calendar of events ad on page 5 of the 12.1 May/June issue of the WHOLifE Journal.


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